Networking Opportunities and Information Sharing
BDUG members are provided a variety of networking opportunities to share industry information and best practices. BDUG members informally discuss current issues with peers, depository representatives, and industry subject matter experts. These networking opportunities enable members to identify specific peers to share best practices and discuss industry trends in an informal setting. BDUG members also receive up-to-date information through the quarterly newsletter and on the website at providing industry specific articles and information.

Improving Communications between Custodians and Depositories
Membership in BDUG provides opportunities to meet representatives from the depositories serving your financial institution, including DTCC, The Federal Reserve Bank, and other industry leading custodians. Membership allows an institution to have a voice in critical issues or concerns within the industry.

Interaction with Nationally Recognized Industry Leaders
BDUG provides a significant benefit to its members through its annual meetings, conference calls and webinars. These events provide a discussion of current issues in the industry as well as contact with nationally recognized industry leaders. In additional to the formal presentations by speakers, members have the opportunity to network with well known peers, subject matter experts, and exhibitors during sponsored breaks and other informal settings.

Continuing Education Credits
BDUG’s annual meeting provides continuing education credits. Specifically these credits are approved for individuals with the Certified Securities Operations Personnel (CSOP) designation. Members may also be able to submit these same credits toward other designations. The cost per CE unit is one of the most competitive in the industry.

BDUG “Members Only” Training Opportunities
Through BDUG’s partnership with DTCC, special training opportunities are available for members only. When DTCC’s training opportunities are “hot topics” and have attendance restrictions due to demand, BDUG members may have the opportunity to register for members only training.

Voice in BDUG’s Future
BDUG is an organization for its members and by its members. Each member firm will have two voting representatives. Members may discuss issues regarding the future of BDUG at any time with the Steering Committee. Amendments to by-laws are incorporated only after being presented to the membership at the annual meeting and passed with a viva voce vote. The Annual Meeting concludes with a town hall meeting for members only where issues directly related to BDUG are discussed. Nominations for the Steering Committee are open to all members in good standing.

Obtaining Industry Information
In addition to the content of formal speaker’s presentation during the annual meeting, BDUG provides members with our quarterly newsletters and other industry white papers through emails and via its website at